“Big Things Soon Come”


What’s up y’all? It’s been a while, but I’m back and have something extra special for y’all! For those of you who don’t know him, I’ll be introducing you to an immensely talented young man who never ceases to amaze me and for those of you who do know him; you’ll enjoy this just the same.

WhoIsAriel is an artist who hails from Elmont, NY and continuously churns out hit after hit. I had the opportunity of meeting him when I transferred to the City College of New York in 2015. Since then he has worked on numerous projects, one of which I have played so many times that I know the lyrics by heart. I haven’t quite figured who he sounds like in regards to flow as yet but when you check him out, leave me a comment, let me know and maybe we can debate about it. He doesn’t just write, perform and produce his own music, he dabbles in photography and graphic design as well.

Let’s get into it!

For the two years that I’ve known Ariel, his witty sense of humor and fun personality makes listening to his music that much more enjoyable. He’s never without a smile on his face unless he’s working hard on something, be it school work or another project for the masses. He makes sure that his music is heard and received well by dedicating a painstaking amount of hours to his craft. Passionate is an understatement when it comes to describing how Ariel feels about his music and artistry. I asked him a few questions in order to let you all experience his amazing energy that I’ve come to vibe with over the years.


I started off the interview by asking the infamous question, “what were your expectations upon entering the industry?” He led with an answer that is not only truthful but I completely understand and relate to it when I think about my blogs and anything else I’ve set out to do.

“I didn’t have much expectations because honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I just knew I wanted to make music.”

When you know, you just know. Especially when it comes to something that you’re passionate about. Commitment is the next big aspect when it comes to procuring art. I know that Ariel is beyond committed. He doesn’t sleep when it comes to the music.

“I don’t sleep, at least not when I should be.  When I’m locked in on a project I’m working around the clock really.”

If that isn’t dedication and commitment then I really don’t know what is. I fall asleep on homework much less writing and producing music. SB: I actually fall asleep quite often LOL. Anyways, this just goes to show that you have to spend time on what you love in order for it to be what you’re expecting and much more. Time is a critical factor in making anything worthwhile and Ariel knows that. He spends time making sure that everything is pieced together in just the right order. It works too, because I personally only listen to music if I like the way it’s composed. He provides satisfaction with his work. With the hiphop we’ve been subjected to these days, it’s refreshing to know that we have somebody like Ariel who doesn’t necessarily subject himself to the popular societal beliefs of what music should sound like. He treats it as an art, he makes it personal. I asked what makes him different and I was pleasantly surprised with the answer.

“What makes me different is I don’t try to be anyone else.  I make all my own beats, write my own lyrics and I have an open mind. I also like to connect with fans and supporters personally, I keep in contact with them so it’s not hard to reach me. Since I make music that’s real to them I feel it’s important for them to know I’m a real person too.”

Moral of the story, be yourself. Individuality goes a long way when it comes to music or art in general, it makes you stand out in the sea of millions of artists out there. It allows you to create a name for yourself, no one confuses you with the any other rapper/singer/songwriter etc. Ariel uses his music and his sound to generate positivity, both for himself and those around him. His music not only creates an artistic outlet for him, but he is able to “vibe” with his friends, create different sounds for his clients and relate to his fans.

Music is a full-time job and it can affect your life either positively or negatively because people tend to not understand the reasons behind why you do what you do. I asked Ariel his take on this.

“I was hesitant to make music at first because I didn’t want to be seen as just another rapper since it seemed everyone at that point was a “rapper”.  In my personal life I feel it made the bonds I have with people stronger but also some others weaker. People go different directions and you’re going to outgrow them but it’s not a loss if they’re not helping you gain or adding value to your life. Sometimes it’s not you who’s become distant but they just distanced themselves while you did your thing. But I feel the people I value also value me and the people around me respect what I do so there’s definitely a growing love and support.”

Who wouldn’t be hesitant in a world full of so many critics, it’s really just up to the artist to filter out the negativity and push forward in their craft. I’ve personally seen that with Ariel. Although he may take some constructive criticism and improve, he doesn’t focus on the naysayers. It’s good to prove people wrong and show them that you are more than capable of success even if isn’t as quick as they want it to be. It’s all about you and perfecting your craft. Ariel embodies this, he makes sure to stay focused and keep his eyes on the prize. It isn’t all about music for him though, he has his sights set on a greater purpose.

“I feel the music has given me a greater purpose. Now people are inspired by me, I have people who look up to me, so now I’ve become influential.  That influence is only going to expand to a larger scale and I just hope I can change people’s lives for the better.  Music is powerful and I learned that through firsthand experience because even at my lowest points in life I listened to music. It’s the music that would switch things around for me and have a positive impact. I want my music to do for people what hip hop has done for me.”

Ariel’s artistry shows that he is on a mission to leave a lasting impact on the people who experience it. Every song on The Golden Tape and his more recently released mixtape Zoose tell a different story. Although this is true, they all come together to paint a bigger picture and allow the listener to visualize what the message is. The songs tell the story of WhoIsAriel and how he puts his all into his music and all the inspirations he draws from to put together these timeless classics. You can tell that he takes his work seriously and takes time to think about the formulation of every beat drop, the premeditation of his lyrics and how each verse will make you feel as you listen. For me, I listen with intent and purpose whenever I hear one of my favorite tracks and think “ooh yes, this is a bop.” I actually have a few favorites but I’ll let you guys decide on your own. Remember I said in the beginning that I know some of them word for word, well I wasn’t joking. Whenever Ariel would perform at our school, I’d literally be on the side of the stage rapping like if I wrote it. That’s what good music does to you. It allows you to feel the emotion and lose yourself in it. As the late great Bob Marley would say “one good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.” I’d like to thank Ariel for allowing me to be exposed to a new sound and for me to be able to say I know a rapper. He makes me proud to know him and his artistry. His purpose is being fulfilled and I have no doubt in my mind that success is imminent. It takes time to master a craft and Ariel is well on his way to mastery. Hands down, I’d have to say he is one of my favorite artists outside of mainstream hip hop. Take a listen and I’m sure you’ll feel the same.


“The best advice I can give to young people is to stay true to yourself. You shouldn’t have to change who you are to satisfy someone else or become successful.  You got to understand what’s important to you, prioritize, set goals, and execute.  And always spread love and positivity because that’s the type of energy that’s going to push you forward.”

You heard the man, spread love and positivity fam and remember…

Life’s a trip, so hang on for the ride!

P.S. You can find WhoIsAriel on Instagram, Soundcloud, FacebookTwitter, Spotify, Apple Music and his own personal website WhoIsAriel.

You can also listen to his new mixtape Zoose right here. Let us know what you think!



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